Self Publish Digital Content

Self Publish
Get Started

Last updated May 21, 2024

How to Publish Your Digital Content on Curios

You can choose to give the content out for free, or you can sell your content. 

Step 1: Login to by entering your email address, accepting terms, and then hitting submit

Step 2: Click the Create New Project Link in the left hand navigation

Note: All information entered in the following areas is editable and can be changed anytime. 

Step 3: Choose what type of content you would like to upload and click on that selection. If one type does not fit, you can choose multimedia or other

Note: If this is a ticket, please see our ticketing/events tutorial

Step 4: Enter a title, description, and upload an image that represents the item you are publishing. Then click Next

Step 5: Here is where you can upload the content you want to publish and where you can set a price for your content. 

To upload content, simply click in the large rectangle at the top of the page, or drag and drop the content you want to publish. 

Note: This content is not available to the public, your audience will have to either purchase or claim any content uploaded in this area to view it. 

To set a price or to list this content for free, use the dropdown under listing type 

If you choose to set and item For Sale then you can set what price you would like for that item. 

Additionally if you would like to price your content in a currency other than US Dollars you can use the Currency dropdown

Additionally you can choose to limit the total number of items sold in this project by using the Quantity dropdown. For most content, Curios generally recommends choosing unlimited in this area. 

If you choose limited, you will be prompted to enter the total amount of items you want sold. 

The last portion is the Listing Release Date - this can be used if you want to specify a date and time in the future for when this item should be available. 

Simply toggle on the show calendar option to set a date and time if desired

After all of these items are specified, clicking Save Project advances you to the next step

Step 6: The next screen is another upload area that allows you to add Preview Content. This is content that will be public and can be used to entice users to purchase or claim your work. 

Typically this is 20 second cuts of songs, a sample of an audiobook, or a trailer for a video. 

Skip allows you to bypass this step where you can do this later if you wish. 

Upload Preview Files uploads the files and moves you to the next step. 

Step 7: Clicking Review and Publish will open a review screen where you can double check every item entered previously before the content appears on

Clicking Publish Later brings you to the project management page where you can edit any information and publish the content when it is ready.